thursday three
Thursday Three
9:42 PM
Thursday Three is a challenge that I am doing that Kristin of RuKristin Papercrafts devised. Thursday Three is an easy way to get a little bit of your story down each week.
Take three minutes each week and document who you are right now.
The rules are simple:
- snap a photo of yourself
- write down three things about your right now.
Think about it this way…If you take one picture and write down three facts each week — at the end of the year you’ll have more than 50 photos of yourself and 150 facts about what life has been like. It would make such an epic All About Me book — and most of the work is already done.
- Atty loves it when I eat her tummy. She giggles hysterically - real laughter. :)
- Atty held both my hands with her's this morning during cuddle time and refused to let go. It was simply A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E.
- I feel very successful and productive today. I succeeded at converting the departments from Christmas to regular items at work. I went through all the photos on my camera's memory card and organized them so they are ready to print and scrapbook when the mood strikes (I was really only after the December Daily photos when I started but I found photos from 2009 on the memory card!! - WOW). I also bluetoothed all the photos off my phone from the last two weeks.
On a side note - I am only 11 days behind on my December Daily - which given the holiday craziness at work, I find very impressive :) I'm going to try to do a video tomorrow morning on what I have done so far and share it with you. However, if the baby does NOT cooperate, I will share sometime next week - hopefully a finished December Daily. I had planned on ending on the 25th, but one of Christmas parties got postponed due to weather and won't be until the 29th and at that point whats two more days.