Reflections on 2013

Life has completely changed this year.  At this time last year we didn't even know we were pregnant yet, and now four months after Atty...

Life has completely changed this year.  At this time last year we didn't even know we were pregnant yet, and now four months after Atty's birth everything is different.

At the beginning of 2013, I decided my one little word would be create.  I tried to work on art journaling and playing with paint and all the stuff that I had gotten familiar with in 2012.  Jamie's daughter was living with us and that was a different experience anyway.

In 2013 we were flooded before the snow had even melted.

We tried to grow and start our own veggies and herbs for our garden. The sprouts actually went pretty well, and they grew fast.  We were worried that we had started our seeds too late in the season and wouldn't be able to have the veggies and such ready for when they needed to go into the ground. However, the weather was against us.  It got cold again in April and the seedlings that needed to go outside couldn't.  Instead, the our two lovely cats knocked off the covers and ate the plants. Arg.  And then it rained.  And rained.
And we flooded again.  Sigh.  After the final flood, we gave up on a garden (not to mention that the cats had eaten the seedlings down to little sticks) for the year.  Better luck next year became the philosophy.
We went to the Beaux Arts Festival (as well as three or four others), Renaissance Fairs, Farmer's Markets, and any other public social event we could find to explore.  This is how we spent the majority of the spring and summer until I could no long walk around anywhere (due to lack of energy).  We avoided anything that would be too much with no easy way back, i.e. there was no disc golf this year.
We baby shopped, researched, talked about, and did anything we thought we needed to do to be prepared for this wonderful blessing that would be happening very soon!

We went to Chicago as our last big adventure.  We went to visit my friends, because we weren't sure when we'd see them next due to the long car ride and the idea of riding with a screaming child.  And key for you all to know is that when I say we went to Chicago, I mean we went by train in so that I could go to the art museum and walked the city to get there.  Yep.  It was like 15 or 20 blocks, I believe.  Then we walked it again the next day. Yep.  We went into the city to go to a play and eat delicious Italian food.  Yum.  However, it made us really realize that this would be our final adventure, because even at this point at about 7 months pregnant I was unbelievably miserable and ready for Atty to come out.

We had a lovely baby shower with friends and family.  It was awesome and I loved how excited everyone was :)  I also brought out the big camera and started to get back into practice of using it.

Jamie actually got to go fishing.  Once. On the boat.  Yay :)

We set up the baby's room and made it beautiful.  It also forced me to declutter and clean up the house, since the baby's room was my old art studio.

Miss Atizle arrived and changed our world.  Jamie started to play around with the big camera and took some beautiful shots of her while I recovered.

We watched our first Bears game as a family and she cheered her little heart out :)

She discovered a love of music and noise very early.  And we encouraged it ever since.  She loves music and will just laugh and smile and carry on in order to get it and enjoy it.

We also discovered that tummy time is the best time.  For several months she hated to be on her back.  Now she is able to roll over either way so she can be most comfortable in the moment.

We dressed up as Snow White for our first Halloween and went trick or treating at Grandpa's.  She loves it when we tell her we are going to Grandpa's.  She always gets super excited.  :)

Pregnancy brain turned into mommy brain.  Mommy bought a planner to help remember the things she used to remember without any hassle.  Ugh.

I rediscovered that I am a photographer.  Hey that was pretty cool.  I only have a degree and went to school for four years.  ;)  I'm glad that Atty has given me a reason to get the big camera back out and just play.

I went back to work.  This became one of the hardest things for me to do.  I miss being home with her.

We moved from the place we had lived for almost three years.  It was hard.  But it was the right thing to do in this moment. 

We had Thanksgiving with my mom after Thanksgiving.  It allowed me to truly appreciate the blessings that I have been given. 

So that we could better appreciate the miracles and the magic that is all around us.

And we enjoyed the holidays in a different way than we have in the past.  We were focused on family and creating memories and embracing JOY throughout all of December.  And it was amazing.
We have had a pretty amazing 2013.  And I can only imagine what is in store for 2014.  I'd love to hear any of your comments, as well as what big changes have happened to you this year? 

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