Currently Obsessing Over Fall!

I'm back again today with a # Blogtember challenge for you.  Today's prompt was all about your latest obsessions.  When I first t...

I'm back again today with a #Blogtember challenge for you.  Today's prompt was all about your latest obsessions.  When I first thought about this topic, I didn't have a whole lot that I found myself obsessing over, above and beyond the norm.  However, the longer I thought about it the more appeared!

Let's Learn with Fall

First, it's getting close to fall where we live.  Some days it feels like a wonderful, cool fall day and others it's so hot and humid that you just want to stay inside with the air conditioning on!  I'm not a huge fan of fall, although I do love the cooler weather because, quite frankly I hate to be hot.  However, my daughter was born at the end of August and I really think she believes she's an Autumn baby.  She really seems to thrive and expand her talents in the fall.  Last year, we took her to a Giant Pumpkin Festival and it was one of the first times that she really seemed simply amazed at this world we live in.  She had to stop and touch every single pumpkin.... Hello, it was a pumpkin festival!  It literally took us about 15 minutes just to get inside the main gate, because it was lined with pumpkins.

Now that she's two, I want to add more fall experiences this year that I kind of missed out on last year.  This is the time of year that my work life seems to ramp up and take over my entire life.  In retail, I have found, that the entire fall season doesn't really exist except to promote and push you into Christmas.  I struggle every year to find any joy in the season.  But I don't want it to be that way for my daughter!

So I've been finding all kinds of awesome Autumn activities on Pinterest for us to do!
  • Fall Sensory Bin by The Jenny Evolution - Sensory bins are always a bit hit with Atty and she's been noticing the leaves on the ground for the last month or so.  I think she'll love something like this and Michael's currently has them 50% off so I may have to pick up a branch or two!
  • Watercolor Leaf Alphabet by Nurture Store - This is such a simple and cute idea.  Atty is really interested in learning her letters right now.  So I think this would be a fun way to expand on that interest.
  • Kid Art Leaf Collage by A Little Pinch of Perfect - This is a great project, especially for a toddler! It uses a recycle egg carton (or cardboard) and some glue!  All we will have to do is add the little bits and pieces that she already picks up from our evening nature walks and she has instant art.  How cool is that?
  • Easy Handprint Wreath by This Girl's Life Blog - I just think this would be cute to hang on the door.  I might modify the project though and use paint to make handprints, instead of tracing and cutting out her hands... I'm really not sure yet :)
  • How to Dye Pumpkin Seeds for Sensory Play by Sugar Aunts - We didn't cut open pumpkins last year.  We simply admired them from the outside.  This year, Daddy really wants to carve some for Halloween.  So this would be a cute idea for her to experience what's inside the pumpkins, after carving.  Plus, sensory bin options!  Yay!
I have some more ideas on a Pinterest board I have only recently started if you're also looking for some fun fall ideas for younger children.  And, of course, if you have any other cool ideas that I should check out, please leave them in the comments!  Her interests so far this year are specifically on apples, pumpkins, and leaves, but who knows what they will be in a month!
Follow Andrea's board Themed Unit Study - Fall on Pinterest.

Bullet Journaling

Another one of my latest obsessions is anything related to bullet journaling!  I really want to get a nice quality journal for 2016 and I'm trying to figure out what I'd like best.  Things I know right now, I don't like blank notebooks, because I can't right straight.  And I don't want just plain lined either, because if I do want to doodle or sketch in it, it just looks blah.  Also, I want to figure out a way to get my journal to feel a bit more cohesive, rather than a jumbled mess.  I know it's possible, because I've seen lots of people do it.  However, these people seem to be a whole lot more organized than I am.  Organized just seems to be something I will never attain.
  • Rhomany of Rhomany's Realm just posted an awesome video of her new Evernote Moleskine that has made me fall in love with it.  And it comes in dotted (which I'm leaning towards being what I get for 2016).
  • I follow Tiny Ray of Sunshine on Instagram and I always come away drooling at the amazing awesomeness of her bullet journal.  She makes some of the coolest layouts and has some fantastic handwriting!
  • The Official Bullet Journal website has been recently updated.  I haven't taken a peak yet (as I just learned about it in Rhomany's video today), but if you haven't heard about bullet journaling (or that it was updated) you definitely want to check it out!

December Daily

Okay, so just one more and then I really need to get my butt to bed!  My last obsession is December Daily.  Yes, I know.  It's September.  But like I said earlier, if I don't start thinking about the end of the year now it will be gone before I have a chance to breath!  So my plans for this year is to finish my last TWO years of December Daily which are in various stages of completion.  And then I want to prep my book for this year, before December!  In case you don't have the slightest idea of what I'm talking about, December Daily is a project by Ali Edwards to embrace the magic of December by telling one story per day about your month, traditions, and whatever else you feel like.

If your interested, you can check out some of my 2013 December Daily project.  I actually have 2013 almost completely finished.  I think I'm only missing the last two days or so.  2014 is a completely different story due to everything that happened last December.  I think I may only have one or two days completed for that one.

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